The High-Tech Gründerfonds has been supporting technology start-ups in the start-up phase for more than 17 years. Now the initiative has launched its fourth fund with 40 companies –and R-Biopharm is one of them. Already at the first closing, the fund reached a committed volume of more than 400 million euros. The second is to follow in 2022.
Each year, High-Tech Gründerfonds invests in 40 promising young companies that want to develop their ideas in the areas of digital tech, industrial tech, life science and chemicals. R-Biopharm is pleased to be able to make another important contribution to Germany as a business location with its participation. After all, drive is one of the company’s values for good reasons.
Impressions from the First Closing Event | ©HTGF – Photos by Steffen Hauser
Representing R-Biopharm, Ute Salzbrenner, Chief Financial Officer, and Dr. Peter Schubert, Board Member Research & Development, attended the First Closing Event for HTGV Fonds IV. “I was surprised how representatives from politics, banking and industry – in the form of small start-up companies to hidden champions to large corporations – engaged in almost friendly conversation in a relaxed atmosphere and want to do the right thing together against the backdrop of our global challenges,” Schubert said afterwards. “I am convinced our participation in HTGF Fund IV will enable us to make a positive contribution both in terms of shareholders and social benefit.” Ute Salzbrenner added: “Through our investment in HTGF IV, we hope to offer interesting start-ups an opportunity and also to come into contact with founders who are interesting for our growth strategy and with whom we can cooperate beyond our HTGF IV commitment.”
The investment in the Gründerfonds is another facet of R-Biopharm’s technology scouting and technology promotion. And last but not least, this is another paving stone on the biotechnology company’s path to products and solutions that are always one step ahead of current developments.