The RIDA®SMART APP is the digital flagship of R-Biopharm AG. Now the app has been awarded the Red Dot Award 2022 in the category “Interface Design”. With this combination of high-end technology from everyday life and precise analytics at the user’s site, R-Biopharm confirms its position as an innovation driver in rapid mycotoxin test analytics in the food and feed sector. Farmers and food producers can use the RIDA®SMART APP for fast and reliable quality control directly in the field by detecting mycotoxin contamination in food, feed and raw materials themselves – in a user-friendly way and without a fully equipped laboratory. This helps to significantly improve food quality in countries and regions with poor infrastructure.

Using the smartphone and the RIDA®SMART APP, a photo is taken of the RIDA®QUICK Mycotoxin Lateral Flow Tests and evaluated and quantified using a patented algorithm. In the interaction of RIDA®QUICK Mycotoxin Test and RIDA®SMART APP, R-Biopharm has created a mobile and innovative solution for its customers who value usability, flexibility and connectivity for precise, fast and location-independent analysis. The concept has convinced many new customers and enabled R-Biopharm to gain a decisive technological edge in the competitive environment. Together with the experts from Custom Medical in Darmstadt, R-Biopharm analyzed the needs of the users in advance, examined the “pain points” during use, and finally jointly optimized the user experience for rapid mycotoxin analysis.